2011 comes to an end

So here we are December 31st, 2011 and I am about to wrap up another year. I was fortunate to spend some great times with family at Camp Stumpy, friends in New Brunswick and great memories with my dearest Isabella celebrating her 2nd birthday. My work life is about to go through some changes that I'm not sure whether I'll be happy with or not, only time will tell. I just celebrated my 20th year with the govt and I'm happy to say my reward is a new camera. I am still struggling with the disconnect that I am having with my son Joe as another year has gone by and I have only spoken twice and have not seen him since Thanksgiving 2010. He did visit his sister and gave his niece a birthday present so that is nice to see. I look forward to continued blessings for my family and friends and hope 2012 brings great health, happiness and less heartache than 2011. I lost my grandma B in October, my daughter lost a dear friend Harold and her boss Crystal lost her Dad John this year and we all wish that we could keep our dearest with us the pain and suffering that each endured was short lived so we are grateful for that. My wish for 2012 is to live life to the fullest,  surround yourself with loved ones as much as possible. Trust in yourself. If it's meant to be it'll happen.


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