So here I am once again. I want to start off by wrapping up the holidays, and I have to say was one of the better ones I enjoyed in the past. All my children joined me and even seeing my son was enjoyable knowing that there are some things you have no control over and need to accept some things are not going to change. <3 I'm ok. Not great, but just ok. I am still working out a few things and I know that I can talk about them, but I'm not ready too just yet and I'm not sure when I will be.
I loved spending time with mom and dad over the holidays it was great to just sit back and relax for the evening and it was really great to be able to share in their joy when they opened tickets to the Tenors in Feb that I bought as part of their anniversary/christmas/i love them gift.I decided to invite the both of them to a nice evening out with me and my friend Sandy who always joins me to the Jube...ends up that my sister, her husband and great friends Pam and Wes are joining us as well so it will be a great night. It was great that the whole family decided to surprise me with Mrs. Beasley (my long lost childhood friend). If there is anything about my childhood that I remember it would be her. I do agree that spending the holidays with family whether you like them or not is good for the soul.
Changes are happening at work that I'm still up in the air on whether they will be good changes or not so good changes. Organizational structure changes are sometimes a good thing when the people in the higher positions that are making the changes really think about the change, and make changes for the good. Other times when they change for the sake of change, it usually doesn't end up being that positive.
Plan for the next while is to try and stay postive with everything that is going on, and hopefully things will work out as they should.
January is turning out pretty well. I made my last car payment in December, so 2013 I'm focussing on payment down my credit card. I'm looking forward to more good times ahead.


  1. Good post! And a great way to start the year - by staying positive : )

    Looking forward to more posts through out the year the Sis!

  2. I'm sure there's a like button but I can't find it. Glad to hear you had a great holiday and are looking forward to a good year!


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