April 2010

Well they do say April showers bring May flowers. April has found me stressed out. I know I wanted to blog about yeah, fun, happy stuff and not bring my "job" into it but I'm sorry I just can't. The whole point of blogging was so that I could have a place to share my feelings and that I could spit out exactly how I was feeling. There are many changes happening at work and a lot has fallen on to me. I usually am one for pitching in and helping out and taking one for the team, but this year I have had a few anxiety attacks and I just am not feeling like I want to "take one for the team". I have been doing mine, my boss' and other peoples since our unit has been cut back 4 people and I'm sorry "just say no" has been my comeback. I have a holiday planned to New Brunswick with my girlfriend and her mom and step-dad May 10-17th I'm so looking forward to seeing the sights, getting a brain regeneration, and just kicking back and letting go of some stresses that have building. My grand daughter is 6 months old (wow) can you believe that. She's my most precious gift a grandmother could ever ask for. My son is working once again so I'm quite pleased as I'm sure he is as well that maybe he can catch up on his bills. My daughter returned to work (with baby) and thus far has been adjusting nicely. Next on the list get that grand daughter sleeping in her own room. Momma is slowly working on it, and she's doing pretty good but I'm sure it's an adjustment for mom as much as baby. My sisters blog has just flabbergasted me. She is such an awesome homeschool mom, the plans and activities that her and my nephews are doing wow - simply amazes me. Keep it up sis. Love reading about your adventures and love it when I can join you on some of them as well. So that is it I think for me this month. Thanks for letting me share and I'll update again at the end of May (all about my vacation).


  1. That's TOTALLY what a blog is for .... if you can't be real when you write, why write. Yeah fun stuff is well fun and stress is stress. You are right to look to your vacation for some much needed down time - getting away always bring a better prespective as to what you need to do about "stuff". Glad to hear David is working, and sounds like April is "adjustment" month. And thanks for the encouragment (especially this time of year). We do get to start doing more fun things. Josh finished his Algebra textbook today ....two weeks early! He just has Science to wrap up and lastly his typing program. He's on track to being done on time or even early. Noah and I are going to continue to plug along - he likes to keep busy ha ha. Keep up the blog - REALLY looking forward to hearing about your trip!!!


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