March has come and gone

Well here we are March 30th and wow I can not believe that I'm wrapping up another Month. I am so happy to announce that I'm once again a great auntie to a new great big baby boy named Logan. He was two days old when we celebrated his sisters Khloie's first birthday. My friends great nephew also celebrated his 1st birthday so Isabella (my grand daughter) is attending lots of parties at only 5mths old. I enjoyed another long weekend and my daugther, my friend Coreen and her 3 lovely daughters and granddaughter Caylee spent the day at the Mom and tots fair. fun, fun, fun. Every 3rd Wed of the month is knit night in Morinville, my mom is the host and of course it was a full house and everyone loved catching up on the happenings with everyone. Plans, plans and more plans - April is turning out to be filled with all of gatherings with great friends and family so look forward to sharing those thoughts next month.


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