January 2010

So here goes, it's 2010 and I have created a blog. I have wanted to blog for awhile but just wasn't sure on what I really wanted to say. My older sister has been blogging for awhile and always look forward to reading the latest happenings in her life. My reason for blogging is just to share some thoughts, or maybe remember my own thoughts of what is happening in my life throughout the year. I will begin to add favorite photos and collections that I enjoy. If anyone would like to say hi please feel free.


  1. Awesome! I LOVE it and look forward to checking in. I love blogging - it helps me get my thoughts down and it's a great way to look back and "remember" things and to help me follow up on those things that I want to do. I look forward to reading!

  2. I have started thinking about my "bucket list" things that I have wanted to do, should do, places to go etc. I don't know if I'm quite ready to share the complete list, or even if the list is complete but journalling is and has been on my list. I have enjoyed reading my sisters blog/journal and it's a thought I have had for quite awhile. I am and overall have been happy with my life thus far, but every now and again you get this twinge - to do something and well journalling is one of those things. I'm excited, to see where this will take me.

  3. What did the first month of 2010 bring to me. It brought me changes in the life of my children. My grand daughter is 3 months old, eating rice cereal and rolling over. My son Dave has found work that will take him out of town and away from home weeks at a time. My job of course is ever changing as with short staff and the tasks that I was currently doing is not a high priority so change that is what January has brought me. I was so happy to spend some time with my aunt, friend, sister and mom at Fiddler on the Roof what an amazing performance and man absolutely hillarious. January was a great month. So far the plans for February are as follows: My parents are going on a trip, my daughter will be returning home from a visit to my sisters. My nephew and neice get possession of their house and I'm going to help them move. I get to go scrapbooking with my family and am looking forward to gathering some more wonderful pics of my grand daughter and I would like to finish off my family album so need some pics of my nephew Jesse and great nephew Morgan.

  4. I think change is a good way to start a new year. How many people make resolutions to change in a new year and never do? February sounds like it's all about family... that also sounds like a good way to spend the 2nd month in 2010! Keep journalling I love reading your posts.


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